Waffenkiste Designs: Weapon crates as art.

There is something very practical about wooden military ammunition boxes. Made of sturdy wood, with a minimum of description stenciled on the outside, constructed for military durability, these robust ammo boxes are made to protect their important contents in any situation.
I've always been intrigued and fascinated with these austere packing boxes. I have collected them for years, and one day had a inspiration to make my own interpretation of them. I'm an artist, a woodworker, a military historian, and a firearms enthusiast who has been around a lot of ammunition, so I have the technical and creative background to accurately make these unique pieces of vintage art. In the past, I offered some of these artistic creations for purchase, specifically through eBay.
I've always been intrigued and fascinated with these austere packing boxes. I have collected them for years, and one day had a inspiration to make my own interpretation of them. I'm an artist, a woodworker, a military historian, and a firearms enthusiast who has been around a lot of ammunition, so I have the technical and creative background to accurately make these unique pieces of vintage art. In the past, I offered some of these artistic creations for purchase, specifically through eBay.
Waffenkiste Design (WkD) projects for sale.
Currently for sale on eBay:
There are no WkD products for sale on eBay at present.
There are no WkD products for sale on eBay at present.
WkD News.
Fall 2024 and Beyond - I have decided to end the WkD website as of 19 Oct 2025. I just have not done anything with WkD in three years, a sure sign that it's time to move on and save some money. I enjoyed displaying for the last 11 years these boxes as art projects, military history, and woodworking prowess, and I hope you enjoyed seeing them in all their painted glory. I am going to keep the WkD domain name, so perhaps someday there may be a WkD revival. Until that day in the future, please enjoy your life! Thanks for all the views and kind support.
Fall 2023 - I have renewed the Bluehost service agreement for another year, until 19 Oct 2024. It was easier to not do anything but simply renew it for another year. But this may be the last year of WkD at Bluehost, it is getting expensive ($200!) to do nothing. I have not even contemplated building anything for the last year; I just haven't found the motivation to build any crates. So please enjoy the pictures and projects for another 12 months, but keep in mind, next October may simply be the time when I finally cancel this website after a run of 11 years.
Fall 2022 - I have renewed the Bluehost service agreement for another year, until 19 Oct 2023. I still have not built that British Army ammo box coffee table. Hopefully a year from now I will be in a better place with my day job. If not, this may be the last year for WkD online, at least through Bluehost.
Fall 2021 - You know, it was just too easy to renew the Bluehost service agreement for another year, until 19 Oct 2022. So I did, and WkD remains online for another year. Earlier this year, I was planning on creating two large British Army ammo box coffee tables for sale, but I need to get the lumber. I sourced the custom stencils from the UK in the spring, and purchased the matte brown paint, so I just need to purchase, measure, cut, and assemble. Perhaps in the cold of this winter I will find the motivation!
Fall 2020 - I renewed the site's Bluehost service agreement again for another year, until 19 Oct 2021. I am just not doing much with WkD anymore, unfortunately, and this website is about $150/year in expenses. I am considering suspending the website, but keeping the URL.
Spring-Fall 2020: I haven't done much with WkD this year. I thought about building another standard MIL spec box in the summer, but never got around to it. i will be renewing the Bluehost agreement in October, so this site will be active for another year. No interests in the ice chest concept piece ever appeared this year, so i will shelve that project for now.
Fall 2019-Winter 2020: The prototype ice chest was being offered on eBay at a bargain price, given the time I spent building it. I've now thought about just keeping it for myself. But I'd like some re-enactor to enjoy it on a drill weekend. No other projects on the horizon.
I did purchase in October an almost-brand new Ideal 1/4-in stencil machine, for a great price. It looks to be about 20 years old, but is in amazing shape. I will sell the old Marsh 1/4-in machine on eBay this winter.
Spring-Summer 2019: I relisted the prototype ice chest on eBay in May. No bids as of yet. No other projects on the horizon, either.
Winter 2019: I will relist the prototype ice chest on eBay in late spring 2019. It didn't have any bids, but a number of watchers were interested in it. The price point (about US$295) was at the minimum, so please be aware of that determinant. No other builds are on the horizon, but that could always change.
Fall 2018: I saw at a recent military vehicle show a very unique box that inspired me to create: an ice chest cooler disguised within a wooden ammo box. Reenacters need coolers for cool drinks whilst on duty, so why not see if my talents can provide some relief? Military vehicle collectors may also benefit from this, especially during summer parades or shows.
I finished the prototype in about two weeks during early October. This first chest will be posted on eBay for sale, and if successful at the price point I need, I may make more.
Summer 2018: I finally created an interpretation of an attractive yellow medical box that I spotted on Pinterest a while back. Posted under Projects, along with my other creations. Hat tip to Vespucca Creative, and that fine copy of my British ammo box that led me to your site.
Spring 2018: No projects on the horizon. I'm hoping that I'll spot something online or in the news deserving re-creation in the WkD workshops.
Fall 2017: I have a bit of an inspiration to create a medium-sized green Russian crate I recently photographed at a military vehicle show, so perhaps that will emerge from the WkD workshops this winter.
May - July 2017: I've been busy this year. I finally created that real French Army crate I've wanted to construct for years, which you can view under Projects. I also whipped out a plain grey box for a friend, described under Custom.
Apr. 2017: I finally created a new box! This one was inspired by a picture of a canister of VX nerve gas and some of the vintage French Army boxes I have collected. The box can be found at the top of Projects. I liked the result so much, I bought some more lumber and hardware to finally create a real French Army crate from the 1960s era.
Jan.-Mar. 2017: Happy New Year! Still seeking inspiration for more box projects. I still have a lot of wood left over from 2014's building spree. Perhaps two more French Army crates, but with bigger latches and front cleats like the original.
Oct 2016: I have not done much with WkD over the past 10 months due to my full-time work demands. However, it's still an semi-active hobby business. I hope you find something of use from the projects and custom work pages.
June-Dec. 2015: I've been involved in other projects, so WkD is awaiting inspiration. But I did purchase a 1/4-in. Marsh stencil cutter in September, bringing my stencil machines to include three font sizes (1/4-,1/2-, and 5/8-in).
May 2015: I purchased this month a Porter-Cable 4216 12-in. dovetail jig to cut box joints. Still thinking about creating that large box. WkD is open for custom projects, of course.
Apr. 2015: No projects this month as I am travelling overseas. I purchased some more custom stampers for smaller font projects.
Jan.-Mar. 2015: Starting off the New Year seeking projects. I think just for fun I will create a larger US military box, since I have the wood in the workshop. Now seeking a used 1/4-in stencil cutter, such as from Ideal or Marsh.
Oct.-Dec. 2014: A prior customer commissioned me to create a small military box to help market his products. It was a fun project to complete and he liked the results. I made two more similar boxes for him, with a completion date in mid-December.
WkD's one-year anniversary happened in mid-November! So far, it's been a great hobby business and I've enjoyed creating each project. Here's to another wonderful year being the only industrial art studio in the world creating these kinds of military shipping boxes as art.
Aug.-Sept. 2014: Seeking inspiration for more projects.
July 2014: I finally finished the plain wood French Army ammo box, and a brown British Army ammo box, both first started almost eight months ago. To do both properly, I had to custom-make a large 7x17-in rubber stamp to handle the large graphic needs of the boxes. The hand printer I bought in the spring could not handle the job. This enormous curved rubber stamp will come in handy on future projects. Both new boxes are described under Projects.
Apr. to June 2014: I am learning to use the hand printer; it is a pretty cool printing tool that opens up a lot of new graphics. I finally finished the two new TROPICAL grenade boxes (described under Projects); they look better than the prototype (which is on eBay for Fathers Day.) I finished the dark grey MG42 transit crate interpretation project and think it came out spectacularly.
Mar. 2014: I finished work on my first custom commission, described on the new WkD Custom Work page. The client was very pleased with the work. At the same time, I am creating two more of the TROPICAL grenade boxes, but with slightly altered stencils.
Feb. 2014: No current projects on the table. I finally ordered the porous hand printer and fonts and am currently learning how to use it properly. This printing tool opens up a wealth of graphics options that I will explore on more U.S. military crates, as well as some robust NATO and European designs I have collected. I want to print the French army graphics correctly, so that will be the first project where this new graphic tool is used.
Jan. 2014: Happy New Year! I have finished the French ammo box, and am now raising money to purchase for the very cool hand indexing printer used by professional box makers to label the contents.
Dec. 2013: Three more robust boxes emerge from the workshop. Two US military boxes, and one European military box were created by my mind and hands. None of them exist in reality, especially the TROPICAL grenade box--how bad would it be if some of the grenades our soldiers carried in the 1970s could only be used in dry weather?--but I think they are all very attractive and sturdy designs. And yes, I know the Mle. 1928 mountain howitzer was really a 75mm, but this is an art project, not replica ammo cases. So they are off to eBay and new admirers...
WkD makes its first sale to a lucky eBay bidder! My red WkD prototype ammo box was sold, making me very happy. I hope the new owner in California enjoys the piece. Naturally, this has spurred me to create two more, since i have the materials cut for the boxes. Details of these two new boxes can be found above in "Future projects." I have also launched WkD's Twitter page at @waffenkiste.
Nov. 2013: WkD kicks off business with several projects underway. I've posted the first prototype box on eBay for sale.
Fall 2023 - I have renewed the Bluehost service agreement for another year, until 19 Oct 2024. It was easier to not do anything but simply renew it for another year. But this may be the last year of WkD at Bluehost, it is getting expensive ($200!) to do nothing. I have not even contemplated building anything for the last year; I just haven't found the motivation to build any crates. So please enjoy the pictures and projects for another 12 months, but keep in mind, next October may simply be the time when I finally cancel this website after a run of 11 years.
Fall 2022 - I have renewed the Bluehost service agreement for another year, until 19 Oct 2023. I still have not built that British Army ammo box coffee table. Hopefully a year from now I will be in a better place with my day job. If not, this may be the last year for WkD online, at least through Bluehost.
Fall 2021 - You know, it was just too easy to renew the Bluehost service agreement for another year, until 19 Oct 2022. So I did, and WkD remains online for another year. Earlier this year, I was planning on creating two large British Army ammo box coffee tables for sale, but I need to get the lumber. I sourced the custom stencils from the UK in the spring, and purchased the matte brown paint, so I just need to purchase, measure, cut, and assemble. Perhaps in the cold of this winter I will find the motivation!
Fall 2020 - I renewed the site's Bluehost service agreement again for another year, until 19 Oct 2021. I am just not doing much with WkD anymore, unfortunately, and this website is about $150/year in expenses. I am considering suspending the website, but keeping the URL.
Spring-Fall 2020: I haven't done much with WkD this year. I thought about building another standard MIL spec box in the summer, but never got around to it. i will be renewing the Bluehost agreement in October, so this site will be active for another year. No interests in the ice chest concept piece ever appeared this year, so i will shelve that project for now.
Fall 2019-Winter 2020: The prototype ice chest was being offered on eBay at a bargain price, given the time I spent building it. I've now thought about just keeping it for myself. But I'd like some re-enactor to enjoy it on a drill weekend. No other projects on the horizon.
I did purchase in October an almost-brand new Ideal 1/4-in stencil machine, for a great price. It looks to be about 20 years old, but is in amazing shape. I will sell the old Marsh 1/4-in machine on eBay this winter.
Spring-Summer 2019: I relisted the prototype ice chest on eBay in May. No bids as of yet. No other projects on the horizon, either.
Winter 2019: I will relist the prototype ice chest on eBay in late spring 2019. It didn't have any bids, but a number of watchers were interested in it. The price point (about US$295) was at the minimum, so please be aware of that determinant. No other builds are on the horizon, but that could always change.
Fall 2018: I saw at a recent military vehicle show a very unique box that inspired me to create: an ice chest cooler disguised within a wooden ammo box. Reenacters need coolers for cool drinks whilst on duty, so why not see if my talents can provide some relief? Military vehicle collectors may also benefit from this, especially during summer parades or shows.
I finished the prototype in about two weeks during early October. This first chest will be posted on eBay for sale, and if successful at the price point I need, I may make more.
Summer 2018: I finally created an interpretation of an attractive yellow medical box that I spotted on Pinterest a while back. Posted under Projects, along with my other creations. Hat tip to Vespucca Creative, and that fine copy of my British ammo box that led me to your site.
Spring 2018: No projects on the horizon. I'm hoping that I'll spot something online or in the news deserving re-creation in the WkD workshops.
Fall 2017: I have a bit of an inspiration to create a medium-sized green Russian crate I recently photographed at a military vehicle show, so perhaps that will emerge from the WkD workshops this winter.
May - July 2017: I've been busy this year. I finally created that real French Army crate I've wanted to construct for years, which you can view under Projects. I also whipped out a plain grey box for a friend, described under Custom.
Apr. 2017: I finally created a new box! This one was inspired by a picture of a canister of VX nerve gas and some of the vintage French Army boxes I have collected. The box can be found at the top of Projects. I liked the result so much, I bought some more lumber and hardware to finally create a real French Army crate from the 1960s era.
Jan.-Mar. 2017: Happy New Year! Still seeking inspiration for more box projects. I still have a lot of wood left over from 2014's building spree. Perhaps two more French Army crates, but with bigger latches and front cleats like the original.
Oct 2016: I have not done much with WkD over the past 10 months due to my full-time work demands. However, it's still an semi-active hobby business. I hope you find something of use from the projects and custom work pages.
June-Dec. 2015: I've been involved in other projects, so WkD is awaiting inspiration. But I did purchase a 1/4-in. Marsh stencil cutter in September, bringing my stencil machines to include three font sizes (1/4-,1/2-, and 5/8-in).
May 2015: I purchased this month a Porter-Cable 4216 12-in. dovetail jig to cut box joints. Still thinking about creating that large box. WkD is open for custom projects, of course.
Apr. 2015: No projects this month as I am travelling overseas. I purchased some more custom stampers for smaller font projects.
Jan.-Mar. 2015: Starting off the New Year seeking projects. I think just for fun I will create a larger US military box, since I have the wood in the workshop. Now seeking a used 1/4-in stencil cutter, such as from Ideal or Marsh.
Oct.-Dec. 2014: A prior customer commissioned me to create a small military box to help market his products. It was a fun project to complete and he liked the results. I made two more similar boxes for him, with a completion date in mid-December.
WkD's one-year anniversary happened in mid-November! So far, it's been a great hobby business and I've enjoyed creating each project. Here's to another wonderful year being the only industrial art studio in the world creating these kinds of military shipping boxes as art.
Aug.-Sept. 2014: Seeking inspiration for more projects.
July 2014: I finally finished the plain wood French Army ammo box, and a brown British Army ammo box, both first started almost eight months ago. To do both properly, I had to custom-make a large 7x17-in rubber stamp to handle the large graphic needs of the boxes. The hand printer I bought in the spring could not handle the job. This enormous curved rubber stamp will come in handy on future projects. Both new boxes are described under Projects.
Apr. to June 2014: I am learning to use the hand printer; it is a pretty cool printing tool that opens up a lot of new graphics. I finally finished the two new TROPICAL grenade boxes (described under Projects); they look better than the prototype (which is on eBay for Fathers Day.) I finished the dark grey MG42 transit crate interpretation project and think it came out spectacularly.
Mar. 2014: I finished work on my first custom commission, described on the new WkD Custom Work page. The client was very pleased with the work. At the same time, I am creating two more of the TROPICAL grenade boxes, but with slightly altered stencils.
Feb. 2014: No current projects on the table. I finally ordered the porous hand printer and fonts and am currently learning how to use it properly. This printing tool opens up a wealth of graphics options that I will explore on more U.S. military crates, as well as some robust NATO and European designs I have collected. I want to print the French army graphics correctly, so that will be the first project where this new graphic tool is used.
Jan. 2014: Happy New Year! I have finished the French ammo box, and am now raising money to purchase for the very cool hand indexing printer used by professional box makers to label the contents.
Dec. 2013: Three more robust boxes emerge from the workshop. Two US military boxes, and one European military box were created by my mind and hands. None of them exist in reality, especially the TROPICAL grenade box--how bad would it be if some of the grenades our soldiers carried in the 1970s could only be used in dry weather?--but I think they are all very attractive and sturdy designs. And yes, I know the Mle. 1928 mountain howitzer was really a 75mm, but this is an art project, not replica ammo cases. So they are off to eBay and new admirers...
WkD makes its first sale to a lucky eBay bidder! My red WkD prototype ammo box was sold, making me very happy. I hope the new owner in California enjoys the piece. Naturally, this has spurred me to create two more, since i have the materials cut for the boxes. Details of these two new boxes can be found above in "Future projects." I have also launched WkD's Twitter page at @waffenkiste.
Nov. 2013: WkD kicks off business with several projects underway. I've posted the first prototype box on eBay for sale.